6: Pitching a project

Wednesday, February 21
Friday, February 23

Young Woman Pitching Idea To Investors

Guiding Questions

What is your idea? Which of your peers’ ideas do you think is most desirable, feasible, and financially viable? If you want to pursue your project ‘for real,’ what resources are available to you through the IDEA Center?

Class Topics

W, 2/21: “What makes a strong pitch?”, Guest presenter, Matt Gardner, Partner at the 1842 Fund

F, 2/23: Flash pitches


Read This:

Readings with annotations are due before class on Wednesday of each week. All readings, videos, and webpages are available on Perusall, accessible through the course’s Canvas page. Please refer to the Readings on Perusall prompt for instructions. You must read on Perusall to get credit.

  1. Read: “From the field: the perfect pitch” (Amy Eisman, MIE)

  2. Read: Hedlin sample flash pitch

  3. Read: New venture fund aims to further ND’s mission through purpose-driven startups

  4. Watch: “Pitching yourself” (Hedlin)

Do This:

For Friday: Practice your flash pitch (company title and value proposition, about the founder, problem, solution, how it works), so you're ready to give it during class. Upload your pitch deck to Canvas in advance.